Frequently Asked Questions:

How tall is the substrate barrier?

Choose from 3 heights to fit your set-up! The substrate barrier is built into the front face & will alter your door height too.

Low - 2" (Min substrate, max visibility)

Medium - 4" (Top pick!)

High - 8" (Bioactive set-ups or burrowers)

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping is FREE across the contiguous United States!

Are all enclosures expandable?

Yes! Any enclosures can be combined length-wise on the 2'x2' side. Any enclosures of the same size can be combined height-wise and depth-wise. All enclosure combinations are done with extension kits.

Are these enclosures easy to clean?

They sure are! PVC itself is resistant to damage from water and many chemicals. This means you can wash it and sanitize it repeatedly without worrying about mold or rot if it isn't dried properly like with wood enclosures. You can also easily take off the top lid for easier access when deep cleaning. Remember to seal your seams with silicone to prevent leaks and spills!

Do they hold humidity & heat well?

Yes! The extra thick PVC we use is insulating, keeping heat & humidity inside, where you want it. This makes it easier to maintain a healthy reptile environment. You can add or remove ventilation to adjust when needed.

Are these enclosures suitable for bioactive set-ups?

  • PVC enclosures are ideal for bioactive setups thanks to the material's insulating properties which help maintain a stable environment for plants and animals.
  • The material itself is waterproof both inside and out, preventing water damage and making it easier to maintain high humidity levels. (Keep in mind, it is still important to seal the enclosure seams with silicone once assembled.)